How To Write Helpful Comments
Whether it’s Medium, Youtube, Tiktok…
When writing blog comments, it’s important to keep in mind that the purpose is to engage with the content and add value to the conversation. Here are some tips for writing good descriptive and relevant blog comments:
Read the blog post thoroughly: Before commenting, make sure you’ve read the entire blog post so you can fully understand the author’s perspective and the point they are trying to make.
Be specific: Avoid generic comments like “great post” or “nice job”. Instead, highlight specific points or ideas from the post that you found particularly interesting or helpful.
Add value: Share your own insights or experiences that are relevant to the topic being discussed. This can help add depth and nuance to the conversation.
Be respectful: Avoid negative or inflammatory language, and always approach the conversation with a respectful tone.
Use proper grammar and spelling: Ensure that your comment is well-written and easy to understand. This can help show that you have taken the time to engage thoughtfully with the content.
Use relevant and descriptive language: Use specific words and phrases that are relevant to the topic being discussed, and try to provide additional context or information that can help further the conversation.
By following these tips, you can write descriptive and relevant blog comments that contribute to the conversation and engage with the author and other readers.