Chat GPT Can Invent New Ideas
How do you think chat gpt works? I’m going to take some guesses. I believe it uses a democratic ranking system to know the following. Popular websites with popular sentences are stored in a database. Maybe a program like gramarly filters out slang, grammar and spelling mistakes like the one in this sentence. Sentences with similar keywords and synonyms are used to form paragraphs. The database knows with sentences usually go before other sentences. Than, the magic happens. Words are replaced with synonyms to create sentences that have never before been created. Chat GPT can almost instantly know if the sentence has been used before. It will eventually come up with a new sentence that will put new thoughts in writer’s minds. This a very good thing. Instead of people focusing a big portion of their mental cycles on grammar, spelling and other things, the editor can focus on creating better sentences that are more helpful, informative, and creative. So, that is how chat gpt makes can help anyone who understands the English language to be a very useful member of society. Not just English, but all the beautiful languages that exist on our planet today. And, those who can only use sight, sound, touch, taste can contribute in their own way. I’ve learned some of my most important lessons in life not just by written or spoken characters, words and sounds. But, by other means as well. I encourage you to seek out people who are not included with the majority of society and see what you can learn from them. I guarantee that you will be shocked.