Brainstorming Effortless Valuable Cringe
It seems like nothing sells better than cringe in these awkward times. Cringe is usually easy for most people to create. What is a better combination if you want to make a living online? First write a few articles here on medium that go from one topic to another letting your brain randomly think about several different topics at the same time and write long run-on sentences that no one else can copy and paste and make money off of your hard work because only you would write this kind of crazy.
Don’t worry about how long your article is, just get something thought provoking down on paper and/or here on medium. As soon as you feel you have emptied all the good sentences you can think of, end it. Come back tomorrow to write more. Read what you have written several times through out the day and jot down one word notes or clues that you can remember the next day that will assist you. If you’re like me, you will forget everything you thought of the next day.